we've featured dozens of amazing visual artists in Smartish Pace over the 20+ years and one day soon all of their information will be on this new silly baby website page of ours but until then well it's just this explanation of why there is no relevant content on this page
My Father on a Bicycle
Todd Davis Chanting the names of friends long past, of landscapes and the living things that sustain them, Patricia Clark weaves a hypnotic web of verse that does exactly what…
The Far Republics: Christopher Buckley
Ryan Guth All of us, after a certain age – poets included – feel the need to take a backward glance, to rummage around in our own utterly unique collection…
Give Over, Graymalkin by Gaylord Brewer
Joshua Mensch Reading Give Over, Graymalkin, Gaylord Brewer’s eighth collection of poetry, one has the sense of being led into another life. The narrator’s voice feels so familiar, that you might…
Dan Brady: Strange Children
Frances Mac How do we survive trauma? In times of crisis, from where do we pull strength and build hope? Dan Brady explores these questions in his first full-length collection,…
The Night Abraham Called to the Stars
Joyce S. Brown Robert Bly’s latest collection of poetry, The Night Abraham Called to the Stars, is the work of an experienced poet, author of over 20 books: poetry, essays, translations.…
Lovely, Rasberry
Reviewed by Micah Mattix Lovely, Rasberryby Aaron BelzPersea Books, New York2010 The Comedic Effect A number of poets and critics, including Stephen Burt and Tony Hoagland, have recently sounded the…
Joshua Beckman: The Inside of an Apple
Matthew Buckley Smith Not every hour calls for a poem, not every sensation, every mood. Some want only a walk in the cold, or a bourbon, or another hour’s sleep.…
Domain of Perfect Affection
Marianne Cotugno On its cover, Robin Becker’s sixth collection features images of postage stamps for imagined countries created by Donald Evans (1945-1977), the American artist who died in a fire…
Jeffrey Bean: Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window
Catherine Bull In terms of both the geography and the straightforward diction in which his work is rooted, Jeffrey Bean is a very middle-of-the-U.S. poet—Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio—with a style…
Austin Allen: Pleasures of the Game
Maryann Corbett Pleasures of the Game is Austin Allen’s debut collection and the eleventh winner of the Anthony Hecht Prize, in the annual contest run by The Waywiser Press. Its title…