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Smartish Pace is professionally printed on 60 lb. off-white acid free paper, perfect bound, full color cover and about 150 pages of poetry with no advertisements. The first issue appeared in 1999 and a new one appears every April.

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Issue 31 - $10


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Our 25th Anniversary Issue!
NEW POEMS BY: Amy M. Alvarez, Brian Barker, Jessica Bowdoin, Ian Cappelli, Grady Chambers, Caroline Chavatel, Josiah Cox, Adam O. Davis, Patricia Davis-Muffett, Moira Egan, Kimberly Esslinger, Beth Ann Fennelly, Allison Field Bell, Ori Fienberg, Forrest Gander, Jay Gao, Kim Garcia, Stephen Gibson, Rodney Gomez, Barbara Hamby, Jared Harél, Bob Hicok, Rick Hilles, Laura Reece Hogan, Carolina Hotchandani, Julia Johnson, A.M. Juster, John Kinsella, Peter Kline, Lance Larsen, Susan L. Leary, Keith Leonard, Heather McHugh, Paul Muldoon, Harryette Mullen, Carolyn Oliver, Amy Ratto Parks, Megan Pinto, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, Emily Schulten, Tom Sleigh, Matthew Buckley Smith, Bruce Snider, Tramaine Suubi, Henry Taylor, Cammy Thomas, Lloyd Wallace, Whitney E. Walton, and Joshua Weiner. COVER: Erik Barthels. DESIGN: Jeremy Teaford.