we've featured dozens of amazing visual artists in Smartish Pace over the 20+ years and one day soon all of their information will be on this new silly baby website page of ours but until then well it's just this explanation of why there is no relevant content on this page
Simon, Serfozo
Serfozo Simon is a Hungarian poet. He has his own publishing company in a large porvincial town. (2000)
Simon, Maurya
Maurya Simon�s fifth volume of poetry, Weavers, is due out from Blackbird Press this year or next. She is a recipient of a Fulbright and an NEA Fellowship, as well…
Shugars, Murray
Murray Shugars lives in Vicksburg, Mississippi, with his wife, Sandra, and their two daughters, Samantha and Miranda. In the spring of 2010, he returned from a deployment to Iraq with…
Short, Gary
Gary Short is the author of three volumes of poetry and three chapbooks, including Flying Over Sonny Liston (Nevada, 1996), winner of the Western States Book Award, and 10 Moons and 13 Horses (Nevada,…
Shippy, Peter Jay
Peter Jay Shippy is the author of Thieves’ Latin (Iowa, 2003), which won the 2003 Iowa Poetry Prize. He has received grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the NEA.…
Shipley, Vivian
Vivian Shipley, Editor of Connecticut Review, is the author of nine books of poetry, including Fair Haven (Negative Capability, 2000), a Pulitzer Prize nominee, and Down of Hawk (Sow�s Ear,…
Shields, Andrew
Andrew Shields was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1964 and raised in California and Ohio. Since 1995, he has been an English teacher at the University of Basel in Switzerland.…
Shepherd, Reginald
Reginald Shepherd is the author of Some Are Drowning (1995), Angel, Interrupted (1996), Wrong (1999), Otherhood (2003) and Fata Morgana (2007), all published by the University of Pittsburgh Press. Orpheus in the Bronx: Essays on Identity, Politics, and the Freedom of Poetry (Michigan,…
Sheehan, Marc J.
Marc J. Sheehan is the author of two collections of poetry: The Cursive World (Ridgeway Press, 1991) and Greatest Hits (New Issues Press, 1998). His literary efforts have been published…
Shaw, Kent
Kent Shaw is earning a PhD in Creative Writing from the University of Houston. His poems appear in Cimarron Review, New Orleans Review and Quarterly West. His poetry appears in…