June 1st, 2019
All poems published in Smartish Pace, Issue 26
First Prize: On the Footage of Monet Painting—Samuel Cheney (page 88)
Second Prize: Poem With Food—Rennie Ament (page 98)
Third Prize: It’s Okay—John Smith (page 36)
Wake-up Call—Armen Davoudian (page 1)
Sister (51) & Sister (39) Load the BB Gun—Charity Gingerich (Page 54)
My Inability to Remember the Dry Cleaner’s Name—Amy S. Lerman (page 94)
The Arms Race—Nate Maxson (page 96)
Yesterday at the Tailgate Party—Marjorie Saiser (page 37)
“Body of Yeck is Recovered Today”—Connor Yeck (page 18)
Prize Judge: Stephen Reichert

Smartish Pace